Staff Contact: Teri Pomerleau
724-539-8629, ext. 15/
What is Social Ministry?
Social Ministry is an opportunity to put our Faith into concrete action by extending the love of God to people in our community.
The mission to which Christ calls the Church clearly includes works of charity and justice. Throughout his
public ministry, Jesus demonstrated service to others in need.
Coordinator: Debbie Stabile
The volunteers in this ministry accompany our parishioners who have experienced a death in the family by making phone calls and sending sympathy cards and CareNotes (provided by the parish) to help them during the grieving period. *C*
Facilitator: Teri Pomerleau
724-539-8629, ext. 15/
This group provides emotional support for parishioners and non-parishioners who experience the death of a loved one. Members accompany one another through their grief journey with the help of a facilitator. There are also guest speakers during the holidays. The group meets in the Parish Center Conference Room on the 4th Monday of each month. During COVID restrictions the group will meet on Zoom every Monday.
Coordinator: Teri Pomerleau
724-539-8629, ext. 15/
Volunteers help alleviate food insecurity for their neighbors by distributing food to people in our community who are in need. Our parish shares the responsibility to distribute food with other churches in the Latrobe area and sends volunteers annually on one Thursday afternoon to Operation Fresh Express at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Lawson Heights and one Tuesday morning to the Greater Latrobe Food Pantry at Saint Vincent Grove. Volunteers are welcome to help other churches distribute food at the Grove monthly, it they wish. Due to COVID restrictions, Operation Fresh Express has been cancelled and volunteers are not needed for the drive-through food pantry distribution at the Grove. Volunteers will be needed once social distancing restrictions are lifted. *C*
Coordinator: Ann Gravelle
The volunteers in this ministry knit and crochet lap blankets, shawls, and scarves to be distributed to nursing home residents and shut-ins and baby blankets for newly baptized babies of the parish. Volunteers may work from home or attend workshops which meet twice/month. Workshops allow members to pray together, share patterns, choose donated yarn or learn to knit and/or crochet to participate in this ministry.
Coordinator: Dee Argall– Please contact the parish office to volunteer.
Volunteers in this ministry hold a communion service for our Catholic sisters and brothers at Twin Lakes Rehabilitation and Health Care Center in Unity Township on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings of the month and continue to individual rooms for those who are not mobile enough to attend the service in the activities room. Their care and concern for Volunteers that bring the Eucharist must be approved and commissioned by the pastor. During COVID restrictions, volunteers are not visiting. We will continue when restrictions are lifted. *C*
Coordinator: Teri Pomerleau
724-539-8629 x 15,
Volunteers are needed to visit or telephone the homebound, ill and elderly, to bring care and the good will of Saint Vincent Parish to those visited and take the Eucharist to those who desire it. During COVID restrictions, volunteers are needed for telephone reassurance. Volunteers are not visiting in person now. We will continue when restrictions are lifted. *C*
Coordinator: Ron Patun
The volunteers in this ministry take the Eucharist to our brothers and sisters residing in nursing homes within our community. This usually occurs after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Volunteers that distribute the Eucharist must be approved and commissioned by the pastor. During COVID restrictions, volunteers are not visiting. Please contact Ron Patun to find out when distribution of the Eucharist to the nursing homes will resume. *C*
Coordinator: Teri Pomerleau
724-539-8629, ext. 15/
Some of our parishioners are unable to drive to church due to health or lack of a driver’s license or a vehicle. Volunteers accompany these parishioners by providing transportation to Mass or parish activities. Volunteer drivers must have a valid driver’s license and state required auto insurance. *C*
Contact: Teri Pomerleau
724-539-8629, ext. 15/
These volunteers accompany parishioners hospitalized by visiting and praying with them at a difficult and stressful time in their lives. visit and pray with hospitalized parishioners at Excela Latrobe Hospital. This ministry is designed to bring comfort in prayer to those visited. Because of COVID 19 risks, volunteers are not visiting the hospital at this time. We will reevaluate the situation periodically. *C