Ministries and Organizations


Parish Ministries and Organizations

God has given each of us talents and abilities that reach their highest fulfillment only when we offer them back in service to Him and each other. The parish community of Saint Vincent Basilica is blessed to have many active ministries to help us do just that. Please take some time to review the opportunities available on the website and prayerfully consider where God may be calling you to serve. Links to our ministries can be found on the right of this page.

  • All ministry volunteers are required to complete clearances and trainings mandated by the state of Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Greensburg.  Click on this link for a list of required trainings.

These are not all of the ministries available but those with immediate or on-going needs. If the ministry you are interested in joining is not represented here, e-mail Father Richard or Teri Pomerleau for more information.