
Baptism is celebrated the second and fourth Sundays of the month and special Sundays during Mass. Parishioners planning to have their child baptized are required to attend a Baptism preparation class.

A child’s Baptism is a time of great joy and celebration. As you await the birth of your baby, you are invited to prepare for the Baptism by attending a Parent Baptismal Preparation Class to learn about this sacrament, its celebration and the responsibility that goes along with raising your child as a Roman Catholic.

Class attendance for parents is required prior to the baptism. Call Bridget DiVittis at 724-539-8629, ext. 16 to register.

Registered members of Saint Vincent Basilica Parish wishing to receive a Sponsor Certificate to be a Godparent for Baptism or a Sponsor for Confirmation must meet the following requirements as set forth by Canon Law:

  • Be at least 16 years old.
  • Be a registered member of Saint Vincent Basilica Parish.
  • Support Saint Vincent Basilica Parish with their presence at Sunday Mass each week and have made their Easter Duty yearly.
  • Have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist in the Catholic Church.
  • Have not joined another faith or denomination nor professed allegiance to any faith or denomination other than the Catholic Church.
  • If married, be married by a Catholic Priest or obtained the correct canonical dispensations otherwise. If divorced, have not remarried or attempted marriage a second time without a Decree of Nullity for the first marriage.
  • Nota Bene: A baptized Roman Catholic who is married outside the Church or who has left the faith may not stand as a Sponsor or a Christian Witness.
  • Be sure to keep the above requirements in mind when choosing a sponsor and contact the Pastor as soon as possible to get the Sponsor Certificate.

How do I obtain a “Sponsor Eligibility Form” to become a Baptism or Confirmation Sponsor? Contact our Pastor Father Richard Ulam AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain a copy of my Saint Vincent baptismal certificate?  Contact Miriam Schaefer at 724-539-8629, ext. 11.  Be sure to have the following information:

  • Date of Birth or Baptism
  • Full Baptismal Name of Candidate